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Are you ready to embark on a profound journey into the depths of your true self and discover the keys to living a life of authenticity and alignment?


Picture this: You've been taught to be a car your whole life, driving down the highway at a steady 120 km/h. But you've grown tired, bored, and out of place. You've adapted so much that you now feel completely disconnected from your true self, knowing deep down that your untapped potential is pleading to be revealed. And if I told you that you're actually a boat or a plane that was merely playing the role of a car because society or your family told you to? That's the moment you seek clarity to take the best action for yourself.


In 2018, I stumbled upon Human Design, and I swiftly realized that this intricate system, blending astrology, Yi Chi, and chakra theory, was the most profound tool for self-awareness, self-acceptance, and enhancing interactions with others.


Book your Human Design reading now and embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to improve various aspects of your life. Through creative imagery and metaphors, I simplify the complex concept of Human Design, making it accessible and relatable.


Before our session, I'll send you introspective questions to enhance your self-discovery. Information needed: Birth date, exact time, location.​Book your 2 hours Reading + your Personal Manual + Zoom Recording now.Your journey awaits.

5 Benefits of Knowing Your Human Design

Selfie at Home



Decision-Making Guidance

Loving Couple

Improved Relationships

Human Design can provide a unique perspective on your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. It can help you gain a deeper understanding of your innate tendencies, decision-making processes, and how you interact with the world. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth and improved self-acceptance.

Human Design offers strategies for making decisions that align with your individual design. By following your decision-making authority, which can be based on your strategy (e.g., Manifestor, Projector, Generator) and inner authority (e.g., sacral response, emotional clarity), you may find it easier to make choices that resonate with your true self.

Understanding your Human Design and the designs of others can help you navigate relationships more effectively. It can provide insights into how you and your partner, family members, or colleagues may best interact, communicate, and support each other.

Standing in Lavender Fields

Life Purpose and Direction

Balancing Rocks

Stress Reduction

Human Design often suggests a life purpose or path based on your design's unique characteristics. It can help you identify areas where you are likely to thrive, and this guidance can be useful for career choices, hobbies, and personal development.

By aligning your life choices and decisions with your Human Design, you may experience reduced stress and increased fulfillment. Following your strategy and authority can lead to more harmonious, authentic choices, helping you avoid situations and commitments that do not serve you well.

Who is this for:

Seekers of Self-Discovery: If you're on a quest to understand your true self, your potential, and your contribution to the world, this is for you.


Individuals Eager for Personal Growth: If you're ready to gain a profound understanding of yourself, enhance your relationships, and boost your overall well-being, this is your journey.


The Curious About Human Design: Whether you've never heard of Human Design and are intrigued by its mysteries or have encountered it but found it baffling, you're in the right place.


Anyone Seeking Clarity: If life's uncertainties leave you searching for guidance to make more informed decisions, this experience will shine a light on your path.

Who this isn't for:

Quick-Fix Seekers: If you're looking for instant solutions and aren't willing to invest time and energy in self-discovery, this may not be the right fit.


Closed-Minded Individuals: If you're not open to embracing new perspectives and insights, this may not align with your beliefs.


Those Not Ready for Change: If you're comfortable with the status quo and not seeking personal transformation, this experience might be premature for you.

Book your Human Design reading now


Before our session, I'll send you introspective questions to enhance your self-discovery. 

Information needed: Birth date, exact time, location.


Book your 2 hours Reading + your Personal Manual now. Your journey awaits.


Price: 270 $US


Juano, Brazil


I have a better understanding of my role in this world


I had both a tarot session and a Human Design reading because I wanted to find explanations for aspects of myself that I didn't fully grasp.


Right from the start, Victoria helped me comprehend how the universe has positioned me to be a part of a larger whole.


The session was a beautiful experience, and it significantly enhanced my understanding of myself as an individual.


Roxane, Canada

Francais - English follow

Ça m’a donné des outils pour avancer.


Victoria est une experte dans le design humain. Elle est passionnée et prend le temps qu’il faut pour bien expliquer. J’ai adoré ma séance, je me suis sentie très à l’aise. j’ai beaucoup appris sur moi même et comment je fonctionne.


Elle m'a donné des réponses sur la source de mes anxiétés chroniques face au monde qui m'entoure et l'interaction  que j'ai avec les autres, ce qui a été une grande révélation pour moi.


Je la recommande à 100%!





It gave me tools to move forward.


Victoria is an expert in Human Design. She is passionate and takes the time to explain things thoroughly. I loved my session; I felt very comfortable. I learned a lot about myself and how I function.


She gave me answers about the source of my chronic anxieties regarding the world around me and my interactions with others, which was a significant revelation for me.


I recommend her 100%!


Emeline, New Caledonia

Francais - English follow

Victoria et son étude de notre design humain a le pouvoir de nous rendre plus conscient de nos émotions et nous guide vers des réactions A avoir,  plus adaptées selon qui l’on est.


Victoria est la personne qui m’a fait découvrir le Design Humain et se fut une révélation.


Après deux séances de faites avec elle, dans des contextes de vie différents, je me suis rendu compte que cela m’aidait à chaque fois pour être en phase avec moi même lorsque j’ai l’impression de me perdre. Grâce à notre séance d’aujourd’hui , des mots, des explications ont été posés sur mes ressentis de ces derniers mois.


J’ai repensé mes fonctionnements actuels, retrouvé mon être profond , ma lumière et pris conscience que je ne devais plus négliger mon équilibre intérieur en respectant mon design.


Les explications fluides et l’écoute de Victoria permet d’avoir accès à un moment de découverte et d’introspection nécessaire de soi. Son énergie incroyable et sa bienveillance va vous faire voyager dans votre monde interne et surtout va vous guider pour mieux le comprendre.


Merci Victoria pour ta générosité et le partage de ton précieux savoir.




Victoria's clear explanations and her listening skills provide access to a necessary moment of self-discovery and introspection.


Victoria is the person who introduced me to Human Design, and it was a revelation. After two sessions with her, in different life contexts, I realized that it helped me every time to be in tune with myself, even when I felt lost. Thanks to our session today, words and explanations were given to my feelings for the past few months.


I reconsidered my current ways, rediscovered my true self, my light, and realized that I should no longer neglect my inner balance by respecting my design.


Her incredible energy and kindness will take you on a journey into your internal world and, most importantly, guide you to better understand it. Victoria and her study of our


Human Design has the power to make us more aware of our emotions and the most appropriate reactions to have based on who we are.


Thank you, Victoria, for your generosity and for sharing your valuable knowledge.


Federico, Argentina

English - Francais ci-dessous

It allowed me to refrain from blaming myself for various attitudes or ways of behaving.


The Human Design reading with Victoria was incredibly insightful. It enabled me to harness my personal power more effectively, particularly in my interactions with others. I learned to respect who I am and use this understanding to create connections with others.


Furthermore, the reading shed light on areas where I was expending unnecessary energy or situations that were draining me without my awareness. It also provided me with clarity about my life's purpose. Victoria conducted the session with great clarity and consciousness, and her loving approach allowed me to open up to all this newfound clarity.


After the session, I found myself identifying certain attitudes or old behavior patterns in my daily life that I could relate back to the insights gained from the reading. I highly recommend Victoria Mateo for Human Design readings.

Cela m'a permis de cesser de me blâmer pour divers comportements ou façons d'agir.


La séance de Human Design avec Victoria a été incroyablement éclairante. Elle m'a permis de mobiliser plus efficacement mon pouvoir personnel, en particulier dans mes interactions avec les autres. J'ai appris à respecter qui je suis et à utiliser cette compréhension pour créer des liens avec les autres.


De plus, la séance a mis en lumière les domaines où je dépensais de l'énergie inutilement ou des situations qui m'épuisaient sans que je m'en rende compte. Elle m'a également apporté de la clarté sur le but de ma vie. Victoria a mené la séance avec une grande clarté et une grande conscience, et son approche bienveillante m'a permis de m'ouvrir à toute cette nouvelle clarté.


Après la séance, je me suis surpris à identifier certains comportements ou anciens schémas de comportement dans ma vie quotidienne que je pouvais relier aux enseignements tirés de la séance. Je recommande vivement Victoria Mateo pour les lectures de Human Design.


Anais, Canada

Francais - English follow

Je n'avais pas les clefs pour un processus de reflexion profonde et Victoria me les a données.


La lecture de mon Design Humain fait par Victoria m'a ému, passionné et m'a permise de rentrer dans une phase profonde de réflexion sur moi même et avec moi même .


Victoria a su m'expliquer les détails du bodygraph, qui peuvent parfois être complexes , de manière ludique avec des exemples simples de la vie de tout les jours.


Maintenant j'ai les idées plus claires sur moi et les autres autour de moi. J'ai enfin fait des liens entre mes actions , réactions et émotions.


Avec sa patience et sa vibrante énergie, elle va vous emmener dans cet univers d'émotions, votre monde unique qu'il soit, votre vous que parfois vous ne comprenez pas et aimeriez identifier !


Merci Victoria





I didn't have the keys For a deep introspection process, and Victoria provided them to me.


The reading of my Human Design by Victoria moved me, sparked my passion, and allowed me to enter a deep phase of self-reflection, both with myself and about myself.


She managed to explain the details of the bodygraph, which can sometimes be complex, in a playful manner with simple examples from everyday life.


Now I have a clearer understanding of myself and others around me. I have finally connected the dots between my actions, reactions, and emotions.


With her patience and vibrant energy, Victoria will take you into this universe of emotions, your unique world, the "you" that sometimes you don't understand and would like to identify!


Thank you, Victoria.


Alice, France

Francais - English follow

Tu as mis en lumière des mécanismes que je pouvais avoir quotidiennement sans en avoir conscience, en me donnant directement les clés pour les comprendre.


La séance de human design avec toi Victoria a été une réelle redécouverte de moi-même, tu as été très à l’écoute et tu as réussi à transmettre toutes les informations de manière claire !


Grace à ton accompagnement et ton explication du human design, tu m’as permis d’aborder certains traits de ma personne dont j’avais conscience mais que je n’arrivais pas à appréhender. La séance m’a permis de retrouver confiance en moi et de prendre davantage le temps d’être à l’écoute de moi-même. Les éléments que tu m’as transmis me permette d’avancer dans mon quotidien de façon plus alignée à mon fonctionnement.


Je recommande bien évidemment tes sessions de human design à tout le monde. J’ai aussi hâte de refaire une session avec toi pour aller encore plus loin !





You have shed light on mechanisms that I could experience daily without being aware of them, by giving me the keys to understanding them directly.


The Human Design session with you, Victoria, was a true rediscovery of myself. You were very attentive, and you managed to convey all the information clearly!


Thanks to your guidance and your explanation of Human Design, you helped me approach certain aspects of myself that I was aware of but couldn't grasp. The session allowed me to regain confidence in myself and to take more time to listen to myself. The elements you shared with me help me move forward in my daily life in a way that is more aligned with my functioning.


I definitely recommend your Human Design sessions to everyone. I also look forward to having another session with you to go even deeper!

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